Itzell Euridice Hernandez Sanchez

Postdoctoral Fellows

Postdoctoral Fellows


Building 2, Level 3, 3266-WS15


I performed my master in Ph.D. at The Institute for Scientific and Technological Research of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. I focused my research on the study of the enigmatic late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins frounder the supervisions of Professor Juan Francisco Jimenez Bremont. Then, I moved to Germany as a postdoctoral fellow at Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam where I continued working on LEA proteins in the group of Professor Dirk K. Hincha. Actually, I am in my second year as a postdoctoral fellow at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in the group of Professor Monika Chodasiewicz where I focused on the study of stress granules proteins.

Research Interests

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are essential components of stress tolerance related to water scarcity, including osmotic stress, oxidative stress, and extreme temperatures. IDPs/IDRs play a central role in the organismic stress response in sensing and rewiring signaling of external stimuli, adaptive growth response, and the biogenesis of biomolecular condensates. My research interest are deeply focused on elucidate the underlying mechanism that governs IDPs/IDRs behavior and its dynamics under stress response. Combining forward and reverse genetics, omics analysis, functional genomics, advance confocal microscopy among others techniques; I aim to understand the role of stress biomolecular condensates such as stress granules in plants. Additionally, I am interested in elucidate the molecular mechanism through that late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins exert their protective functions against cellular dehydration by studying their plant protein targets and protein partners.

Selected Publications

  • Hernández-Sánchez, I. E., Maruri-López, I., Martinez-Martinez, C., Janis, B., Jiménez-Bremont, J. F., Covarrubias, A. A., ... & Thalhammer, A. (2022). LEAfing through literature: late embryogenesis abundant proteins coming of age—achievements and perspectives. Journal of Experimental Botany, 73(19), 6525-6546.
  • Hernández-Sánchez, I. E., Maruri-López, I., Graether, S. P., & Jiménez-Bremont, J. F. (2017). In vivo evidence for homo-and heterodimeric interactions of Arabidopsis thaliana dehydrins AtCOR47, AtERD10, and AtRAB18. Scientific reports, 7(1), 1-13.
  • Hernández Sánchez, I. E. (2017). Dehydrin-dehydrin interactions: evidence of homo and heterodimeric associations among acidic and basic dehydrins from Cactus pear and Arabidopsis.
  • Maruri-López, I., Figueroa, N. E., Hernández-Sánchez, I. E., & Chodasiewicz, M. (2021). Plant stress granules: trends and beyond. Frontiers in Plant Science, 1538.

KAUST Affiliations

Prof. Monika Chodasiewicz's Group

CDA - Center for Desert Agriculture

BESE - Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division