Fatema Alquraish

PhD Students

PhD Student




Fatema joined SG lab in 2021 as a PhD student. Her research focuses on plastidial stress granules their role in stress tolerance, in addition to unveiling stress granules and processing bodies interaction in plants.

Fatema obtained her BSc Genetics “Hons” undergraduate degree from University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland working with the Atkins Recoding Research Group to analyse “Stop/Go” recoding in foot and mouth disease virus(FMDV) and earned her Master’s degree in Bioscience; Cell & Molecular Biology from KAUST where she worked on characterisation of a novel nuclear specific dicer-isoform in human cells. After that she worked on lipid metabolism modulation in colorectal cancer stem cells induced by hypoxia before joining  the SG lab. 

Research Interests

Plastidial Stress Granules, P-Bodies

I have always been fascinated by molecular mechanisms and how the combination of these gives rise to life of a multicellular organism. Enthralled by membraneless organelles and their functions. Thoroughly enjoy the challenge of scientific discovery.


MSc Bioscience; Cell & Molecular Biology, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia

BSc (Honours) Genetics: First-Class Honours, University College Cork (UCC) , Ireland


King Abdullah Scholarship Program (KASP) recipient 2011-2017

UCC Works Award “Student Life Pathway recipient 2017

UCC Works Award “Student Life Pathway recipient 2016 

Awarded with the Title of College Scholar for 2014 academic year 2014

KAUST Affiliations

Prof. Monika Chodasiewicz's Group

CDA - Center for Desert Agriculture

BESE - Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division