

WISER 2024

15 August, 2024

The WISER 2024 Summer Program took place from Sunday, July 21 to Thursday, August 15.

We had two students from KAUST school in our SG Lab during this program. Yomna and Habiba became part of our team for 4 week full-time internship. They were included to our daily work in the Lab. In the end they prepared poster presentation at WISER 2024 Expo where they shared new knowledge and experience.

Yomna and Habiba were guided by Prof. Monika Chodasiewicz and in the Lab by our PhD (Violeta, Fatema and Ibrahim) and master (Malavika) students. Malavika got same experience during WISER 2022 program and now she is doing her second year as a master student in our group. 




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ICAR 2022 Belfast

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Plant Science Night at TKS

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Green House

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End of Year Celebration

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Open Lab 2021

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Traveling with Visitors

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Visitors in Stress Granule Lab

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